Straight Talk

United Nations abetted the ruination of our country

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Letter to the Editor

Today, our Republic teeters on the edge of disaster, our sovereignty threatened, not only by the existing occupant of the White House, but the puppeteers behind him. As despicable as Biden’s actions have been, too many people behind the scenes have aided and abetted the ruination of this country, and made mega money simultaneously.

Biden’s open border policy has been a quagmire since the outset. He learned nothing from history, which depicts the collapse of nations subjected to massive population changes. When language, culture, and religions collide inside a host nation, chaos and collapse, leave only remnants of a once strong nation.

Ignoring wiser minds, Biden’s Open Borders Policy has delivered  an estimated 15 million illegals across the country. The influx was implemented for and by big money politics.

Between 2008 and 2018, $3.6 billion was paid to nine [non-government organizations] (NGOs) who resettled illegals inside the U.S. That came out of your pocket. Non-English speaking, culturally different, and sometime radically opposite illegals were dumped into unsuspecting American towns. They were dumped at the federal government’s behest, without warning or consideration.

The federal government ignored settled law to accommodate the influx. The United States Refugee Act of 1980 states that: “local and state government shall be consulted concerning distribution of refugees among states and localities prior to the placement of refugees.”

Add to this the capitulation of our federal government to the dictates of the United Nations. The talking heads at the U.N. have determined what refugee group will be relocated, and where, including inside of our sovereign nation! The United States is a member of the U.N,  and we must abide by their orders. When they allocate 50,000 be settled in the U.S., we cannot refuse! We are bound by membership to also finance and transport refugees on military or civilian aircraft, to the locale selected. A non-elected global organization abetted the ruination of our country, and have profited handsomely.

What rationale is there for the United States, to pay 66% of the U.N. Budget, when  we comprise 13% of the world population? When and why has the USA relinquished our national sovereignty for national insolvency by burdening American taxpayers with the housing, feeding, educating, free medical care, etc. when American families are struggling?

Even in the best of times, our nation should never relinquish sovereignty!

There is no easy answer to resolve the problems that Biden has thrust on this nation, but one thing you can “bank on.” The closer to home that your taxes are spent, the higher the likelihood that funds are well spent. Sending money to the federal government when money is wasted, is questionable enough, but enriching NGOs who are not constrained by U.S. laws, is at the very least, taxation without representation. Obeying dictates of an international organization non-elected global privately owned organization is highway robbery.

Resolve: Tax dollars for America. No others need apply.

Kathryn van Heyningen, Franklin