Onion Mountain Workday sponsored by Mainspring Conservation Trust will be held Saturday, Feb. 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help polish up Franklin’s newest preserve. Get acquainted with this new recreation area alongside Mainspring staff, hang signage and prepare the property for the community. Lunch is provided. 119 North Laurel Trail, Franklin.
AT Forever stamps coming in February featuring a photo by Hendersonville photographer Dave Allen who captured the pink rhododendrons and blue vista featured on North Carolina’s Appalachian Trail Forever Stamp.
Otto Community Development Club meeting and potluck, is set for Monday, Feb. 3, at 6 p.m. Representatives from the Red Cross will be featured guests to discuss post-Hurricane Helene support and future plans. 60 Firehouse Rd., Otto.
Franklin Garden Club offers “Attracting Birds to Your Garden,” Monday, Feb. 3, during its 12 p.m. monthly meeting at Robert C. Carpenter Community Center, 1288 Georgia Road, Franklin. Visit Franklin NC Garden Club on Facebook to keep up with events and activities, and to learn how to get involved.
Nature Walk Series presented by Mainspring Conservation Trust continues with a Winter Wildlife nature walk Thursday, Feb. 6, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. More information can be found on their events calendar www.mainstrpingconserves.org/events/
Music at Brews and Cues for Feb. 8 will be The Remnants; Feb. 15, Nati Love Joys. 32 Palmer Street.
Macon County Republican Women’s Club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sakura Japanese Restaurant, 319 Carolina Mountain Dr., Franklin. Guest speaker Tim Hogsed, executive director of Macon County Care Network, will share information on the many ways this non-denominational ministry “serves as a central location to provide relief for those in crisis” and ways the community, can contribute to the cause.
Cabin Fever the “kickstarter” for the annual ’80s Flashback Weekend fundraiser will be held Saturday, Feb. 22, 7 to 10 p.m. at Currahee Brewing Co. Karaoke, ’70s costume contest, raffle prizes and more. 100 Lakeside Drive, Franklin.
Nantahala Hiking Club announces training for Trail Ambassadors Sunday, Feb. 23, 2 to 4 p.m. at Lazy Hiker to kick off thru hiker season. A Trail Ambassador’s primary role is to share the Leave No Trace principles with thru hikers, report issues, check shelters, offer aid, give directions, and pick up trash. No need to sign up. Direct questions to Kelly Motter at [email protected].
Fundraising Canning Class hosted by Macon County Republican Women’s Club will be held Wednesday, Feb. 26, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Otto Community Development Building, 65 Firehouse Road. Expert canner Susan Pons will guide class participants as they have hands-on experience canning a meat and a vegetable. Cost is $15 per person.
Franklin Little League Girls Softball registration for age 4 to 14, is now open through March 10. Visit www.franklinlittleleaguesoftball.com to find a centralized registration system called Sports Connect where you can register your child and pay the fee online. Should you need assistance with this process, an in-person registration is set for Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Macon County community building on the Georgia Road. Cost is $55.
Local trivia nights are the fourth Monday of each month, from 6-8 p.m., at Otto Community Center, 65 Firehouse Road, Otto; Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lazy Hiker on Main Street in Franklin; Wednesdays at 6:30 at Rathskeller Coffee Bar and Pub, in Franklin; and Mondays at 7 p.m. at Currahee Brewing Company. Other trivia opportunities? Email [email protected].
“Spoon” Karaoke at Rathskeller Wednesday, Feb. 12 and 26, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 58 Stewart St., Franklin.
Free movie offered by American Legion Post 108 twice a month, about the U.S., history, and the Constitution. Free popcorn, snacks, and refreshments are provided. For exact dates and more information contact Dylan Castle, commander.squad [email protected].
Email calendar items to [email protected].
Cold for a Cause is now Plunge for a Purpose
CareNet has begun its Plunge for a Purpose this week, running through Jan. 31. The fundraiser takes the place of what has annually been Cold for a Cause. The goal this year is to specifically assist a Macon County family whose house was flooded during Hurricane Helene. CareNet director Tim Hogsed encourages individuals to donate online, https://maconcarenet.networkforgood.com/, or by putting cash in jars located at Macon County businesses in order to erase the family’s estimated $30,000 in debt. Any monies raised in excess of the amount to help the Hurricane Helene-affected family will be used to help other families with heating bills this winter as well as support CareNet’s ongoing foodbank efforts. Kicking off the Plunge for a Purpose is Franklin Chick-Fil-A’s owner Caleb Peters and local teacher and H&H Farmstand owner Katy Huscusson. Follow the Plunge for a Purpose posted “plunges” on CareNet’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MaconCountyCareNet/.

Quilting guild holding a Meet and Greet
Smoky Mountain Quilting Guild is hosting a Meet and Greet Monday, Feb. 10, at 9:30 a.m. Meeting at 10, at Cowee School, 55 Cowee School Dr., Franklin.
Elizabeth Rybicki, from Hayesville, N.C., will be the guest speaker in the guild’s “Warm & Wooly” February program.
“Growing up in a family of ‘needle-women,’ watching them sew, quilt and knit, I made my first quilt when I was 8,” Rybicki shared. “That 9-Patch, with my grandmother’s help, turned into years of handwork enjoyment, both knitting and quilting. During COVID, Sue Spargo’s wool applique intrigued me, and I started experimenting with different embroidery stitches on wool. I like to embellish wool applique kits starting with tweaking the design and invisibly whipping down the pieces. Then the fun begins doing my own style of embellished embroidery stitching. It takes me months sometimes to complete a piece, but they all hang in my studio where I can enjoy them as I work on other things.”