Straight Talk

Bible a source of firsts and great stories

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Letter to the Editor

Bible sales this year especially for Christmas really surged. It’s estimated that sales were 23% higher than the same period a year ago with a total of 14.3 million Bibles sold just in the U.S last year. That means a lot of people will be reading the Bible for the first time. There are a lot of great stories and firsts in the Bible and amusing ways to remember the stories.                                                               

Remember when God put Adam to sleep and then removed his rib – first operation. When Adam and Eve walked around naked everywhere before sin entered this world – they were the first nudists. When Jesus fed over 5,000 with five barley loaves and two small fish – first all-you-can-eat meal. When the disciples saw Jesus on the shore with a fire of burning coals and fish on it – first fish fry.                                                              

Remember when Jesus cast the demons into the pigs and they ran and drowned themselves – the first deviled ham. Remember after Jesus was crucified, the earth shook and the rocks split and the tombs broke open and the dead bodies came out and walked into the holy city – first Walking Dead.               

This is just a few of the many firsts and great stories in the Bible and I know God likes it when we can smile and laugh. I hope this article makes you want to start reading your Bible and discover the many more firsts and great stories and amusing ways you can relate to them and it’s a good way to talk to non-believers about the Bible.   

Mike Townsend, Franklin