Straight Talk

An Invitation to Hard -Headed People (Like Myself)

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Letter to the Editor

During the recent snow event, our steep, quarter-mile driveway was covered with ice and snow, except for a few bare places where the sun had hit. I had parked the car at the bottom so I could get to work. Returning and walking up after dark, I slipped and fell head first and cracked my forehead wide open. I finished walking up. Then we had to walk back down to go get seven stitches at the ER. (The staff was outstanding, BTW.) My hard head was no match for concrete!

The prophet Isaiah in chapter 55, offers an invitation to hard heads to fall on their knees (not on concrete) and repent. He encourages those who are thirsty and hungry, to come buy without money and eat and drink freely of that which truly satisfies. He offers those who do so an abundant pardon. 

This one is very different from the Presidential pardon, which does not last beyond the grave, and where unrepentant people are often pardoned. God only pardons those who turn away from their sin, and embrace God’s ways. But His abundant pardon lasts forever! I have one of those abundant pardons, and I will be forever grateful. I wouldn’t trade that for anything else in this world. Does this mean I no longer sin? No! But it does mean that He is in the process of washing all of my sins away in the precious blood of Jesus, Who died to pay my penalty, so I could go free. 

Do I deserve any of this? No! But that is the wonderful thing about this abundant pardon. If you are willing to allow Him to change your heart and your life, you may ask for, and you will receive the most wonderful gift God ever gave to anyone: forgiveness and an abundant pardon!

“Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near;
let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7)

Ed Hill, Franklin