Closer Look

Photography is creative outlet and hobby for police chief

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Dan Finnerty

If you have been in Macon County for very long, you most likely have met or at least know of the current Town of Franklin Police Chief Devin Holland. He assumed the role in 2022 but has served in one capacity or another with the Franklin Police Department for nearly 30 years, starting his tenure in 1996. In the time between then and his current position, he has achieved the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant, and captain.

However, Chief Holland’s focus is not always on law enforcement. In his off-time, photography captures his attention.

“I have always enjoyed taking photos and videos, but got more serious about it as a hobby about six years ago,” he said, adding that he tries to always be prepared for a chance to capture something of interest.

ICE CLIMBING at Winding Stair Gap, winter birds, and a white tail doe and her fawn (top) are examples of Devin Holland’s passion for photography.

“I don’t really do any particular shoots or events; however, my camera and drones are always with me for when the opportunity to capture a moment presents itself.”

While his love of and participation in photography is nearly as a seasoned as his career, Holland reminisced that it all started with his family expanding.

“I took up leisurely photography probably 25-30 years ago when my children were born. Nothing serious then; I just took a lot of photos and videos of my family and our trips for memories sake.”

In addition to capturing some of life’s special moments within his family, Holland focuses on other topics for photography as well. 

“I love doing landscape and wildlife photography and videos, mainly to capture how amazing the outdoors and nature are,” he added.

He has taken close-up, detailed photographs of birds, including eagles, as well as stunning sunsets and local pursuits, such as ice climbers on U.S. 64 at Winding Stair Gap.

What initially triggered his interest in photography? 

“The creativity involved in taking a perspective of things around you and making them into a spectacular image; some of the most normal and mundane objects or scenes can be made into very interesting and eye-catching images.”

A RARE glimpse of a bald eagle at rest makes a striking photo.

While he does have friends and acquaintances who are into photography, Holland added that, “it is usually just me out exploring, but often times I’m dragging my family with me.”

Although photography is primarily a hobby, Holland hopes it will eventually evolve into at least part-time income. Meanwhile, being adept at photography has benefitted his role as police chief. 

MOUNTAIN SUNRISES and sunsets are always a favorite of regional photographers.

“My photography skills do complement my role [within the police department] in areas of social media, hiring/recruitment, flyers, etc.,” he said. 

Mainly, though, he shared, “I find photography challenging, rewarding, and relaxing, as it is an outlet for me to be creative and share images with others.” 

DEVIN HOLLAND has travelled all over the United States seeking the perfect shot, including the Grand Canyon.