Just the Facts

Kevin Corbin sworn in for third term

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Dan Finnerty

Monday, Jan. 6, saw Macon County’s Kevin Corbin sworn in as a North Carolina state senator for his third term. Judge Kaleb D. Wingate performed the swearing-in ceremony at the Macon County Courthouse.

Corbin and his family were present for what he referred to as a “last minute” decision. A later group swearing-in of all state senators in Raleigh was set for Jan. 8, but each representative is also allowed to have his or her own initial swearing-in if they choose.

“We wanted to do it here. This is home, this is where we are loved and we love the people,” said Corbin. Corbin was initially elected in 2016 to the N.C. House of Representatives and reelected in 2018. In 2020, he moved to the State Senate. Both positions run for two-year terms and Corbin was reelected to the Senate in both 2022 and 2024.

Corbin was born and raised in Macon County and is a graduate of Franklin High School, class of 1979. He was also an honors graduate of Appalachian State University (ASU) in 1983, where he majored in marketing and business management, served as news editor of the university’s newspaper, and interned for the university as a public information officer.

Corbin also represented ASU in the North Carolina Student Legislature.

Further, he served four years on the Appalachian State University Board of Trustees, is a past chairman of the Macon County School Board (20 years), and for the six years prior to being elected to the House of Representatives District 120, served on the Macon County Board of Commissioners, being elected as chairman of the board for the last four years of his tenure.

Corbin owns two insurance agencies and is married to Beth. They have two grown children, Matt and Maggie, as well as grandchildren. Corbin and his wife are members of Holly Springs Baptist Church, where he serves as a deacon.