Straight Talk

The Legislative Review

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Rep. Karl Gillespie

On Monday, Dec. 2, 2024, the North Carolina Senate returned to Raleigh to consider several bills, including the veto override of SB382. The House did not hold a voting session but intends to return in the near future. The Senate considered the following legislation:

  • HJR151, Term Limits for Congress, is a joint resolution applying to Congress for an Article V Convention of the States for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution to impose term limits on Members of Congress. The Senate voted in favor, 29-20 and the resolution passed.
  • SB382, Disaster Relief-3/Budget/Various Law Changes, would make modifications to and provide additional appropriations for disaster recovery; make technical, clarifying, and other modifications to the current operation Appropriations Act of 2023, and to make various changes to the law. By a vote of 30-19, the Senate successfully overrode the Governor’s veto.
  • SB920, Const. Ad. – Income Tax Rate Cap Modification, is an act to amend the North Carolina Constitution to provide the maximum tax rate on incomes cannot exceed five percent. The Senate voted in favor by a vote of 30-19.
  • SB921, Const. Am./Require Photo ID For All Voters, would place a proposed amendment to the North Carolina Constitution revising the language regarding the requirement to present photo identification prior to voting on the Nov. 3, 2026 ballot. The bill passed by a vote of 30-19.

Did You Know?

Did you know that North Carolina has provided more Christmas trees for the White House than any other state?

North Carolina has had the honor of providing 61 trees to the White House for the holidays.

This year’s tree was selected from Cartner’s Christmas Tree Farm in Avery County. Nicknamed “Tremendous,” the Fraser fir stands 19 feet tall! The Cartner brothers said the tree symbolizes what’s good in humanity, standing for hope, faith and love.