Just the Facts

Firearm possession by employee reported at East Franklin School

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Late last week, the Macon County Sheriff’s Office provided this information to local media: “On Thursday, December 12, it was reported to a school resource officer that an employee with Macon County Schools had brought a firearm to East Franklin Elementary School. An investigation was conducted by the school resource officer, and the employee was charged with one Felony count of Weapon on Campus or Other Educational Property.”

A statement shared by the Macon County School System lauded the sheriff’s department: “After a thorough investigation, it is our belief that there was no threat to the school or any persons at any point. Macon County Sheriff’s Office takes the safety of our children very seriously and we have a zero-tolerance policy on weapons on educational property. The Macon County School System is thankful for our partnership with the Macon County Sheriff’s Office. The safety of our children and staff is our number one priority!”