Authors Claire Suminski and Henrietta Haithcock recently launched their new book, “Animal Stories 5 for Families, It Takes All Kinds.” This fifth-in-a-series book, published by Suminski Family Books, includes works by illustrators Susan Swedlund, Sue Brown, and Pat Mennenger, as well as plenty of contributors of funny animal stories
Not only are these books intended to entertain and educate, a donation is made to a local nonprofit each time a new book in the series is published. For “It Takes All Kinds,” the first $500 in sales of this book was given to Read2Me, a Macon County nonprofit organizational branch of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.

The Animal Stories series is an ongoing effort, with the collection of a total of 100 stories as a future goal. Books are available for purchase at the following locations: Cozy and Content, A Novel Escape, the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, and The Bascom in Highlands.
Anyone interested in sharing or writing a story can contact: [email protected].
Pictured top, from left: Claire Suminski, Laura Vargas, Lee Berger, Henrietta Haithcock, Brooke Keener, and Angie Walker at a recent presentation of the fifth book in the Suminski Family Books series “Animated Stories: It Takes All Kinds”