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Macon County School Board endorses quarter cent tax increase referendum

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The day before the Franklin High School groundbreaking, Macon County Board of Education released its “Resolution Supporting Approval of the One-Quarter Cent Local Option Sales and Use Tax Referendum.” signed by Chairman Jim Breedlove, board members Melissa Evans, Stephanie Laseter, Diedre Breeden, and Vice Chair Hilary Wilkes. 

Residents will have an opportunity to vote on the referendum on Nov. 5. The resolution reads:  

“WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Macon County Board of Education to inspire and empower students to meet high academic standards, demonstrate responsible citizenship, and prepare for and lead successful, fulfilling, and ethical lives;

WHEREAS, in order to succeed in this mission, Macon County Schools depends heavily on the support of the Macon County Board of Commissioners, our families, school staff, and the broader community for assistance of all kinds, including conveyance of our shared values,

support for academic endeavors and athletic excellence, and the financial resources necessary to move the academic program forward;

WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on March 12, 2024, the Macon County Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted a “Resolution Calling a Special Advisory Referendum for the Levy of a One-Quarter Cent County Sales and Use Tax,” pursuant to Chapter 105, Article 46

of the North Carolina General Statutes;

WHEREAS, pursuant to State law, Article 46 tax revenues must be used, among other things for supporting public education; and

WHEREAS, like all public school systems, Macon County Schools faces unprecedented challenges to its funding, with the sunsetting of ESSER funds provided to school systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that state funds provided by the General Assembly have not kept pace with increasing operational costs of Macon County Schools, including rising expenses for goods, services, and employees that cannot be further cut without serious detriment to the educational program;

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Macon County Board of Education that the Board endorses and supports, in the strongest terms possible, passage of the Article 46 local option one-quarter cent sales and use tax, and encourages all qualified voters of Macon County to vote

“FOR” the referendum in the upcoming general election.”