Just the Facts

Tips for applying for WNC AgOptions grant

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Christy Bredenkamp

WNC AgOptions works to build sustainable farming communities in this mountain region by providing resources directly to farmers who are diversifying or expanding their operations. The ultimate goal of AgOptions is to protect mountain farmland by assisting the longevity of farm enterprises. Priority is given to farmers who have a tobacco history. 

In 2025, grants of $5,000 and $10,000 will become available to farmers located within a 22-county area of Western North Carolina (WNC).

Since 2004, supported by the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, WNC AgOptions has provided grant funding for farmers (including those in Macon County) wanting to diversify or expand their production. Many types of projects and improvements are a good fit for this grant program. 

For those interested in this program, consider the following helpful tips in writing a successful grant proposal:

  • Intent to apply. It’s important to let your county extension agent know you plan to apply by October 11. 
  • If your project involves livestock, beekeeping, hay, pasture, and/or forage crops, contact Joe Deal at (828)349-2046 or email [email protected]. If the project involves vegetables, nursery, flowers, berries, or other specialty crops, contact Christy Bredenkamp at (828)349-2046 or email [email protected]

Once you have talked to your extension agent about your intent to apply, visit WNCagoptions.org and follow the links to the application.

You will be notified about the status of the 2025 program when funding is officially awarded.

  • Research your topic in depth, e.g., the market, your customers, income, expenses, and more. Review the https://wncagoptions.org/ website to gather ideas from previous recipients.
  • Be precise but thorough in your grant proposal. When answering questions, be mindful that some questions have two to five components.
  • Download the sample application found at wncagoptions.org. Note that the final application will be released upon confirmation of funding.
  • Write the proposal as if the reader is not familiar with your type of farming operation.
  • Have others review your proposal including your local extension agent.
  • Ask experienced reviewers to look over your proposals so you don’t exaggerate your budget numbers or expected income. It’s normal if you see little to no expected income in the first year.
  • Include two quality letters of support from partners or cooperators who will help you complete your project goals. Choose individuals who will provide advice or assistance.
  • Don’t forget to get your notarized.

Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2024. For additional tips, visit: https://wncagoptions.org/grant-writing-tips. For questions, visit https://macon.ces.ncsu.edu/.

Christy Bredenkamp is the Macon County Extension Director / Urban and Commercial Horticulture and Community Development.