Straight Talk

Where are you?

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Letter to the Editor

This is the first question ever asked of man or mankind. You can find it within the Book of Old in Genesis 3. This question seems more searching or penetrating in today’s world than one could ever imagine. Just where is modern man, or more directly, “where are you” in the confused lives we live? Where do you want to be? Why and how do you get there? Who is it that has told you this is the path to follow?  

Every one of us are confronted with these very questions throughout our lives. And, like most of us, as these questions become more troublesome, we blame or make excuses trying to find clear answers. This question of “where are you” is often asked of nations and of cultures and people within nations. It, and the questions which follow, are soul searching questions. It makes one think; even if you try not to think about them. So, most of us escape with the busyness or pleasures of life, to avoid the annoyance of it all. This in itself is Divinely placed within each of us. If these searching or daunting questions are not from a Divine presence then where or why are there questions at all, for if we all are from nature, nature itself never seems to be troubled with questions.

Dr. Sigmund Freud struggled with these very issues, but he was so narrow in his thinking that he wouldn’t allow any Divine being for the cause of these troubling questions. There had to be something else within man that was the cause. So many of us, like Freud, want to believe somewhat the same, that there’s something else, either within man or not yet discovered by man, that will solve these questions that are asked of all mankind. 

For myself, this reveals that there is a God! For if there isn’t one, why are we bothered in seeking the questions which matter in life. Where on earth does this come from, why do we even care? 

Some are at the point where they seem not to care, they don’t want anything to do with a relationship with a Divine God who is no longer allowed in their lives, and it is then that “everything” is acceptable. You believe in everything so therefore you believe in nothing. Evil becomes good. It becomes okay, that there is murder and death, as long it’s not you. It’s okay to have human sex trafficking of women and children along our borders and cities. Unending drugs killing our young people. It’s okay for educators and libraries to take authority over our children, while tax-paying parents and citizens have no say. It’s okay to allow men in women’s sports and bathrooms, the list is long. 

Yet, we claim the right for this freedom to do anything, even evil, and your freedom becomes its own prison. And many can’t tell the difference? I would ask, “Where are you? And why​?” 

Deni Shepard, Franklin