Do not believe the doom and gloom of Donald Trump. The American economy is the best in the world, bar none. To use immigrants as a foil with exaggerated dehumanizing language fosters hate. Trump makes fair foul and the light darkness. Most immigrants are honest hard-working compassionate people. Be grateful we have people who still want to come here to work. They contribute to our economy by paying taxes, create businesses and sustainability to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Trump killed a humane bi-partisan immigration bill so he could campaign for concentration camps and mass deportations. That would be devastating to our economy possibly leading toward recession and the chaos of a police state. How can Maga Christians square that with, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Jesus taught love, mercy, kindness to the least of these. Make America Kind Again! Vote for Democrats. If you’re a poor excuse for protoplasm redeem yourself, let the light in!
William Hodge, Franklin