Straight Talk

Town & County Meetings

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The Town Council of Franklin holds monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin. To view past meetings, visit, which is a video service provided by Bobby Coggins. 

The Macon County Board of Commissioners holds one regular meeting a month on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the Commissioners Board Room on the third floor of the Macon County Courthouse, 5 West Main Street, Franklin. To view a meeting’s video, agenda, minutes, and handouts, visit: 

The Macon County Board of Education holds a regular scheduled meeting on the fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 6 p.m., in the Board Room of the Macon County Schools Administrative Offices, located at 1202 Old Murphy Road, Franklin, or at a designated school. The September 30 meeting is at Highlands School in Highlands. The meeting is live-streamed and can be accessed by visiting

Tourism Development Authoritytaff meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin. The next scheduled meeting is September 9. TDA for the Town of Franklin is hosting a series of tourism stakeholder meetings for organizations that participate in the town’s tourism economy. These meetings are held at the Chamber of Commerce, 98 Hyatt Rd., in its upstairs classroom. All the meetings are at 7:30 a.m.


Sept. 13 – agritourism: farmsteads, vineyards, orchards, etc. open to the public

Sept. 20 – voluntourism: nonprofits, churches,

Sept. 27 – realtors and others helping visitors relocate to Franklin

The Town of Franklin Planning Board’s regular meetings are held the third Monday of each month (with the exception of holidays) beginning at 4 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin.