What's Happening?

Events Calendar: Aug. 29 – Sept. 12


Free Lunch/Food Pantry, Saturday, Aug. 31, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Franklin Covenant Church, 265 Bellview Park Road, Franklin.

A naturalist walk and documentary is set for Sept. 5; walkers meets just inside the Macon County Public Library lobby at 5:30 p.m. and the documentary, “Clear Day Thunder: Rescuing the American Chestnut,” begins at 7 p.m. Attendees are welcome to bring snacks to the documentary showing. The library is located at 149 Siler Farm Road, Franklin. For more information, call (828)524-3600.

Friends of the Greenway offers live Saturday music from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 573 E. Main Street, Franklin. On Aug. 31, Jim Austin’s Classic Country Band. For information about upcoming featured musicians, email [email protected]; call (828)369-8488; or, visit www.littletennessee.org. 

Free movie offered by American Legion Post 108 every other week through December as part of their Americanism series. “American Citizenship and its Decline,” parts three and four, presented by Victor David Hanson, Hillsdale College, Sept. 6 and Sept. 20, at 7 p.m., 614 West Main Street, Franklin. For questions, contact Richard Litchford at (828)421-1328.

The FHS Class of ‘69 is celebrating their 55th Reunion on Saturday, Sept. 7, at the Louisa Chapel Methodist Fellowship Hall, from 2 to 5 p.m. Dress is casual. Bring a snack to share. No formal invitations will be sent. Everyone is invited.

Pickin’ on the Square is held at 6 p.m. at the Gazebo on the Square in Downtown Franklin on the second and fourth Saturdays, May through Mid-October (weather permitting). Bring a lawn chair or a blanket. Food vendors onsite. Upcoming: Sept. 14 – Two Weeks Notice (Classic Rock / Country); Sept. 28 – Arnold Hill (Alternative Rock/Americana Band); Oct. 12 – Carolina 441 (Southern Rock) – last event of the season. 

The Franklin Garden Club will meet at 11 a.m., Sept. 9, at the Robert Carpenter Community Center on the Georgia Road. The topic will be “Pruning Trees and Shrubs.”

The Franklin Bird Club leads walks along the Greenway on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m., weather permitting. On Sept. 4 meet at Salali Lane; Sept. 11 meet at the Macon County Library parking lot; Sept. 18 meet at Big Bear near the playground; Sept. 25 meet at Salali Lane, for the last bird walk of the year. Directions and a check list can be found at https://www.little tennessee.org /franklin-bird-club. 

Absentee by mail voting begins Sept. 6. For more information about rules, visit https://maconnc.org/board-of-elections.html or contact Macon County Board of Elections by calling (828)349-2034; or, email director Melanie Thibault at [email protected]

Cub Scout Rally with free hot dog lunch and yard games Saturday, Aug. 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Holly Springs Baptist Church. You do not have to be a Cub Scout to attend! Carnival games, obstacle course, and arts and crafts. Fun for the whole family. Bring chairs, wear your sun screen. Event sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 263 of Franklin.

9/11 Remembrance Wednesday, Sept. 11, 8:30 to 10 a.m., on the square in downtown Franklin.

Otto Community Market with food, crafts, yard sale items, baked goods, and more is set for Sept. 13-15, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 60 Firehouse Road, Otto. If interested in being a vendor, contact Tom at (828)634-1039. Indoor space approximately 10×10, with one table provided. 

The annual Little Tennessee River Cleanup (pictured above) is on Saturday, Sept. 14, starting at 9 a.m. Volunteers will gather at 544 E. Main Street  in the empty lot across from the Mainspring office to pick up supplies and grab a map. Volunteers may bring their own boat for water cleanup.  Free pizza at 12 p.m. for volunteers. Register at www.mainspringconserves.org/events/little-tennessee-river-cleanup/.

“Help Homeless Veterans Week,” Sept. 8 through Sept.14 sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church Men’s Group to raise funds to help homeless veterans and veterans in need. Around 60 collection containers are placed in various businesses, restaurants, and retail outlets in the Franklin area. Monies raised are donated to 828Vets. For more information, email Ned Kraft, chairman, at nkraft1969@ gmail.com.

The Annual Macon County Fair will be held Sept. 18-21, with this year’s theme “Bringing the Harvest Home.” Fair organizers are encouraging residents to enter their Art & Photography, Baked Goods, Best Cake Contest, Best Pie Contest, Clothing, Crafts, Farm Products, Flowers, Food Preservation items, House Furnishings, Needlecraft, Hand-weaving & Spinning items, Poultry, Rabbits, and more into this year’s fair. All exhibits will need to be entered on Sept. 17, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bring your items to the information booth at the fair entrance, receive your numbered ticket, and then take your item to the appropriate booth to be entered. To learn more, visit macon.ces.ncsu.edu or www.themaconcofair.com.

Gentle Yoga Class is held Thursday mornings, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. to all ages and fitness levels by Victoria Rundquist, who has more than 25 years of yoga instruction experience. No set fee is charged but a donation will help offset facility costs. Classes are held at The Spiritual Light Center, 80 Heritage Hollow Drive, behind the Gazebo Restaurant, Franklin. For questions, email [email protected]

Karaoke with DJ Don at Rathskeller Coffee Bar & Pub Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., 56 E. Main Street, Franklin. 

Email calendar items to [email protected].

Area Farmers Markets still open for business

 – Cowee School Farmers Market – Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 p.m.; baked items, locally grown vegetables, a soap maker, knife sharpening, honey, various handmade items and crafts, flowers, and more. Cowee School Arts & Heritage Center parking lot; May-September.

– Franklin Farmers Market – Saturdays 8 a.m.-noon.; locally grown produce, baked goods, seasonal plants, honey, herbs, and more; parking lot between 226 and 268 East Palmer Street; year-round. 

– Macon County Farmers Market – Saturdays 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; baked goods, seasonal plants, honey, herbs, fruit, vegetables, crafts, mushrooms, soap, and more; Iotla Street; May-November.