Just the Facts

Town & County Meetings

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The Town Council of Franklin holds monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin. The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 5. To view past meetings, visit www.maconmedia.com, which is a video service provided by Bobby Coggins. 

The Macon County Board of Commissioners holds one regular meeting a month on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is August 13. Meetings are held in the Commissioners Board Room on the third floor of the Macon County Courthouse, 5 West Main Street, Franklin. To view a meeting’s video, agenda, minutes, and handouts, visit: https://maconnc.org/roster.html. 

The Macon County Board of Education will hold their regular scheduled meeting on Monday, August 19, beginning at 6 p.m. in the Board Room of the Macon County Schools Administrative Offices, located at 1202 Old Murphy Road, Franklin. The meeting will be live-streamed and can be accessed by visiting www.macon.k12.nc.us.

Tourism Development Association meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin. The next scheduled meeting is August 12. 

The Town of Franklin Planning Board’s regular meetings are held the third Monday of each month (with the exception of holidays) beginning at 4 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street, Franklin. 

The Tourism Development Authority (TDA) for the Town of Franklin will host a series of tourism stakeholder meetings for organizations that participate in the town’s tourism economy. The purpose of these meetings is to inform tourism stakeholders about the TDA’s marketing plans while giving those businesses and nonprofits an opportunity to provide feedback on the town’s tourism efforts.

“To truly tell Franklin’s story and successfully market our hometown to potential visitors around the nation and the world, we need a collaborative effort,” said Connie Gruberman, TDA chairwoman. “These first meetings will introduce the TDA’s plans to those who depend on our tourism economy, while gaining important feedback. It will be a true partnership.”

Owners or decision-makers for the corresponding tourism-related business segments are strongly encouraged to attend. These meetings will be held at the Chamber of Commerce, 98 Hyatt Rd., in its upstairs classroom beginning Friday, Aug. 9. All the meetings will be at 7:30 a.m.

The meeting schedule is as follows:

Aug. 9 – hotel, motel, bed & breakfast, Airbnb/VRBO, glamping/camping sites

Aug. 16 – retailers, outfitters, outdoor guides/tourism service providers

Aug. 23 – restaurants/breweries/bars/event venues

Aug 30 – gem mines and museums

Sept. 13 – agritourism: farmsteads, vineyards, orchards, etc. open to the public

Sept. 20 – voluntourism: nonprofits, churches,

Sept. 27 – realtors and others helping visitors relocate to Franklin

The TDA is the legislatively mandated entity responsible for overseeing how room occupancy tax dollars are spent to drive travel and tourism to the Town of Franklin.