Just the Facts

Town and county meetings update

town of franklin council members
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After more than 10 years of utilizing Drake Enterprises, Ltd. to oversee marketing services, the Town of Franklin Tourism Development Authority (TDA) shifted gears for fiscal year 2025 (FY-25) at its June 10 meeting.  Following presentations from three marketing companies, the local firm of Stewart Communications was chosen. The marketing contract will be for one year, running July 01, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

Additionally, Town of Franklin Council members Stacy Guffey and Robbie Tompa requested the TDA deliver a funds use report. The written report will be presented by the TDA at the Aug. 5 Town Council meeting and will focus on recommendations for use of any non-marketing fund usage for FY-’25. TDA meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street in Franklin.

TDA meeting
MORGAN STEWART, founder of Stewart Communications, takes questions from the TDA members.

School Board Info

The Macon County Board of Education will hold its regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, June 27, beginning at 6 p.m. in the board room of the Macon County Schools Administrative Offices, located at 1202 Old Murphy Road, Franklin. The meeting will be live-streamed and can be accessed by visiting www.macon.k12.nc.us. Recently announced by the Board of Education is that Amanda Sutton is the new principal at Nantahala School, effective July 8, 2024.

Town Council

The Town Council of Franklin holds monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street in Franklin. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, July 1. To view past meetings, visit www.maconmedia.com, which is a video service provided by Bobby Coggins. 

Planning Board

The Macon County Board of Commissioners holds one regular meeting a month – on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the Commissioners Board Room on the third floor of the Macon County Courthouse, 5 West Main Street, Franklin. To view a meeting’s video, agenda, minutes, and handouts, visit: https://maconnc.org/roster.html.

Macon County Board of Commissioners

Regularly scheduled meetings of the Town of Franklin Planning Board are held the third Monday of each month (with the exception of holidays) beginning at 4 p.m. in the Town Hall board room, 95 East Main Street in Franklin.