Care Connection, an adult day program is offered Monday through Friday at the Crawford Senior Center. Activities and supervision for adults with dementia and other forms of memory loss. For more information, call (828) 349-0211.
Night of Worship at the gazebo on Iotla Street in Franklin is June 21, at 7 p.m. Worship music and guest speakers. For more information, contact Brianna Olson at (828) 332-2487 or Michelle Hedden at (828) 421-2339.

Pickin’ on the Square is held at 6 p.m. at the Gazebo on the Square in Downtown Franklin on the second and fourth Saturdays, May through Mid-October (weather permitting). Bring a lawn chair or a blanket. Food vendors available. Upcoming: June 22 – bluegrass sounds of Asheville Junction.
Ronnie Evans will sign his new book, “Brinkley: Goat Glands, Radio and Country Music” Saturday, June 22, at the Macon County Historical Museum in Franklin 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and, Friday and Saturday, June 28 and 29, at the Summertime Arts and Crafts Show at Western Carolina University Ramsey Center in Cullowhee, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The historical fiction book is based on the dramatic rise and fall of Dr. John R. Brinkley, born near Sylva, who unintentionally pioneered the idea of organ transplants.

The Friends of the Greenway and the Franklin Bird Club will host the dedication of the Barbara McRae Memorial Viewing Platform on Sunday, June 23, at 2 p.m. The Platform is located just behind the Dog Park at the lower parking lot at Big Bear Park on Main Street. The public is invited.
The Franklin Bird Club leads walks along the Greenway on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. All walks are weather dependent. Upcoming walks: June 26, meet at Big Bear near the playground; July 3, meet at Salali Lane. Directions and a bird club check list can be found at /franklin-bird-club.
Saturday Mid-day Music at Friends of the Greenway (FROG) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 573 E Main St., Franklin. On June 22 Bill Peterson and Charlie Simmons are performing. For information, email frog28734@; or call (828) 369-8488.
Community Painted Rock Garden Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at Rankin Square in downtown Franklin. Tour the gardens, have a snack, and paint a rock to leave in the garden. Sponsored by the Franklin Garden Club.
Kavod Soccer Academy is offering two weeks of summer camps the weeks of July 8-12 and July 15-19. To sign up, visit

Mountain Voices will perform its annual summer concert on Thursday, June 27 at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Avenue. The concert is free; donations are appreciated. For more information, visit the Facebook page or call Beverly Barnett at (828) 524-3644. Doors will open at 6 p.m., for the community to preview items that are part of FUMC’s Bazaar Auction on Friday, June 28, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. All proceeds go to missions.
The Summertime Arts and Crafts Show will be held June 28-29, at Western Carolina University Ramsey Center, Cullowhee. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event features 60 area craftsmen’s original art and heritage crafts, food, music, and demonstrations. Admission is $5 for adults, and children under 12 are admitted free. Free parking. Visit or contact Doris Hunter at [email protected].
Resurrection Lutheran Family Vacation Bible School Day is Saturday, June 29, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 38 Wayah Street, Franklin. Everyone is welcome. Free food and fun activities. For more information, contact Mary Fuerch [email protected]. Registration is necessary to determine numbers; deadline is June 21. To register, visit
Fireworks Over Franklin is happening Friday, July 5, due to a change in the pyrotechnic vendor. The Town will host the traditional July 4th activities downtown on the Thursday, July 4th, including the parade, Little Mr. and Mrs. Firecracker and Patriotic Pet contests, food trucks, free water, and free watermelon. On July 5, the Town will have food trucks and live music before the fireworks begin, and Main Street will close at 8 p.m. to allow for seating and premium viewing from town hill. The fireworks will begin at approximately 9:45 p.m.
Macon County Schools next STEM Summer Camp is June 24-27. For questions, contact [email protected]. or (828)524-3314. To register, visit
The Veteran’s Portrait Project sponsored by the Macon County Art Association is taking applications. Ten veterans’ applications will be accepted to have their portraits painted by volunteer artists. Apply at the Uptown Gallery in Franklin until July 4 this year. Community members who wish to help support the costs for this program are also welcome. Email project chairs Pat Mennenger at 28734pm; or Christina Brown at [email protected].
Email calendar items to [email protected].