Just the Facts

Anna Lee Shope turns 100

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She can really remember the older days here in Macon County,” expressed Marilyn Moss, a long-time friend of Anna Lee Moffitt Shope, who became the area’s latest centenarian on April 25. Moss and her sister, Elaine Sanders, hosted a party for their friend at Black Mountain Baptist Church, where Shope is the oldest living member.

“She’s been such a good friend to us and she’s been blessed to make 100 years, so we felt she deserved a special party,” said Moss.

The year Anna Lee was born, Calvin Coolidge became the first president of the United States to deliver a radio broadcast from the White House; Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison in Germany for his participation in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch; and, Hall of Famer Walter Johnson won his only baseball World Series with the Washington Senators.

Billy Sanders is Anna Lee’s nephew. He said Anna Lee and her husband, Dover Shope, who has passed, welcomed many young children into their Macon County home, yet they did not have any of their own children. Anna Lee also had a twin sister, Ida Lee, who died in her early 90s, according to Sanders.

“She has been like a mom to so many all these years,” said Sanders, “hugging, petting, and patting them when she sees them. One time my nephews got muddy over at her house and she didn’t have any little boys’ clothes to change them into, so she found some small dresses she had and they had to put those on. They still laugh about that. She loves kids for sure.”

Sanders also pointed out that for many years, Anna Lee served meals at the Senior Center.

“She still lives alone,” said Sanders. “An aid assists her from Monday through Friday, but on weekends she takes care of herself and still cooks for herself.”