At American Legion Post 108 on April 9, a kick-off for the group’s Service Recognitions 2023/2024 was held. After introducing Managing Editor Deena C. Bouknight and Manager Dan Finnerty, Post Commander Jack Castle presented Macon Sense with a plaque featuring the image of an American flag.
Castle expressed to Bouknight and Finnerty, in front of dozens of attending veterans, “I want to thank you for including the history and renovation story of Post 108 among your many articles concerning veterans and veteran organizations. The breath of fresh air you bring to the printed press is greatly appreciated, along with your dedication to providing clear and accurate reporting. Lastly, I want to thank you for your service to our nation, our community, and especially our veterans.”

Castle followed up the recognition by focusing on several attending veterans. To the Post’s Honor Guard Captain Dick Sheehan, Castle noted that Sheehan and his team had donated and raised money for needed Post projects as well as to purchase flags.
The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 108 is made up of Chaplain Dylan Castle (Jack’s son), Adjutant Jason Watkins, and Commander Rick Litchford. Jack pointed out that his son was recognized “for his outstanding leadership and historical knowledge in the development of the SAL Americanism Program. This program will be an outreach to the schools and families of Macon County. Dylan’s vision for this program is to not only teach one of the four pillars of the American Legion, but also to instill in our local culture what our forefathers established more than 200 years ago as the foundation of a nation built on freedom and equality for all. His team has worked together on an Americanism Program that will create a passion for future Patriots and defenders of American liberties.”
Watkins, a technology expert with Wired in Franklin, was acknowledged for his “extensive knowledge and amazing skill set enabling him to easily program and wire audio visual components that he donated to create the incredible theater and information systems for our Legion Family use.”
And Litchford, “an expert in political science and history, master of instructional education,” was formally thanked for establishing “a culture of young citizens who will lead the way as true Patriots defending our freedoms at all costs.”
Also honored for various undertakings included the Post’s Sergeant at Arms Bob Acore, for his assistance to the commander and as an Executive Committee member; Historian/Public Affairs Officer Kelly Raulerson, for increasing social media presence as well as “leadership and drive with the reestablishment of an American Legion Riders Chapter for Macon Post 108; and, Finance Officer Bob Cook, for establishing a Finance Committee and securing a sound financial foundation for the Post’s future.”
Additionally, Service Officer Hobert “Al” Albiston, Parliamentarian Terry Adams, 2nd Vice Commander Maurice Bishop, and 1st Vice Commander Richard Clubb were recognized for hours of voluntary service.
Stepping in as the Post’s Adjutant has been Jack’s wife, Doreen Castle. He formally acknowledged her and explained her attention to detail as an asset.
“As many of you know and are aware of, Doreen will ensure that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed for a full accountability for all actions and transactions that have occurred during her tour of duty. With no experience as an Adjutant, she agreed to take on the job as Adjutant and Finance Officer two years ago. Through many long hours on the phone, the computer, and having countless personal conversations with several Legion members across the state, she developed the required skills to help our Post …”
Further, Castle expressed gratitude for Past Commander (two terms, 2021-22 and 2022-23) Ken Carpenter for his years of service and dedication.

“You have served behind the scenes, you have served without being asked, you have served when no one knew, and you have served when no one else would. Thank you for always being there when our Post needed you and your Commander needed you, regardless of the time of day or the day of the week.”
American Legion Post 108 in Franklin is involved in many endeavors and gathers the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. for dinner and then a meeting at 7 p.m. For more information, visit