Straight Talk

Holidays a blending of freedom

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Letter to the Editor

As I had grown out of childhood and started to view our world a little differently, I became more fond of Thanksgiving than Christmas. It’s not that I didn’t realize Christmas’s importance, as with any child, it was gifts and time off from school. Thanksgiving for me has become a more reflective holiday, a quiet time in viewing and understanding where my heart and soul gives thanks for so much of life. Yet, I seem to lose some of this with the pressures and busy-ness of Christmas, but it’s also a time of joy and thankfulness.

We as Americans should cherish what freedoms that have been given us. We, as for myself, don’t really comprehend just what freedom means. We’ve been led to believe that freedom is unlimited or has no boundaries that would inhibit what we want, or can do. This is not the freedom many have given their lives for. Because in today’s culture unlimited freedom can bring an evil hatred towards those who may disagree or belittle you and your freedom. So, freedom to do as one pleases, is not freedom at all; it becomes anarchy. 

Those who no longer respect humanity in unity as a people and country have become themselves destroyers of freedom, which have become dominant voices in every aspect of life. This isn’t hard to see; we are living this out as we speak. This oppression is why America began its frail beginnings, turning away from oppressive rulers, seeking a new land wanting a freedom that respected all human life; from the least fortunate to the most, all would be viewed as equal, with equal voices to be heard.

So, giving thanks is just not a spoken word, it’s the thanks of the hard sacrifices of those who fought with their very lives the precious gift of freedom. Which comes not from man, but a Divine creator, who set within the heart a direction for man to seek out this freedom and for all humanity to take part in.

Christmas is also a time of thanksgiving, but it’s a thankfulness that our Divine creator, the Christ child came for the purpose of freedom. From the past to our present, mankind has sought some type of freedom but seems not to know just what this is or how to get there. Throughout time, how many world governments have there been? How many leaders have stated, “Follow me, I will lead the way?” Yet we seem more desperate than ever, and no one seems to have an answer.

Freedom starts with what Christ came for you and me to choose in following Him, or for many to continue following and placing all their trust and hope in everything man has to offer. If this seems a bit tiring, it is, because it’s all been tried. So, for this Christmas, give your heart to the one who came to give you the freedom you have always hoped for.

Merry Christmas in a Freedom our world can never give.

Deni Shepard