Closer Look

Kimsey steps down from Town Council

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Sasha Widman

Businessman Adam Kimsey has been a member of the Franklin Town Council for six years. The former co-owner of Rathskeller Coffee Haus and Pub, decided to vacate his seat and did not run for reelection. His replacement, Robbie

Tompa, occupied Kimsey’s seat for the first time at the Dec. 4 meeting.

Kimsey, a member of the council from 2016-2020 and from January 2022 to December 2023, said he appreciated his experience as a council member and being “a part of a community and seeing it grow and change.”

Kimsey explained that an issue he was satisfied to contribute towards was the process of getting the new skatepark built.

ADAM KIMSEY served a total of six years on the Town of Franklin Council, before stepping down at the Dec. 4 meeting.

“It was just a fun community project,” he said. Kimsey grew up in Franklin and attended Cartoogechaye Elementary School and Macon Middle School. He graduated in 2004 from Franklin High School, where he played the drums in the band. Kimsey attended Western Carolina University (WCU) for a short time and has taken classes at Southwestern Community College over the last several years.

“I had always been interested in the political scope,” said Kimsey. “However, I wouldn’t say I was necessarily a political science major or destined for politics.”

Yet, the local political arena is exactly where Kimsey was led. He was introduced to the political scene while singing and playing guitar and piano in a local band, The Unawarewulves. Former Town of Franklin Mayor Bob Scott enlisted Kimsey to help develop Pickin’ on the Square, a live-music, May through October, annual event in downtown Franklin.

Kimsey also actively participated in and contributed to the local musical culture by providing a musical venue through the business, Rathskeller, which he owned for nearly 10 years with his wife, Natasha Sebring. Occasionally, he still sings and plays guitar during open-mic opportunities at various establishments in Macon County.

When asked if he could provide any advice for incoming council member, Robbie Tompa, Kimsey said, “He’s got a good staff, and he’s got a good council to work with. I’ve worked with all those people for a few years now and have nothing but the utmost respect for all of them. I think he is about the same age I was the first time I got on the council, so he should just trust his instincts and do his best to work with the people. Good conversations usually lead to positive places. Best of luck to him.”

Following his departure from the council, Kimsey plans to work remotely to open up travel opportunities.

“I don’t have a specific career path or anything in mind at the moment. We [he and his wife] are actually taking a little bit of time to try to figure out what we want to do when we grow up again,” he quipped.

Last year, Kimsey and Sebring traveled out west with their dog, logging around 10,000 miles through 20 states. 

They visited a dozen national parks and camped in their vehicle’s rooftop tent.

LAST YEAR, Kimsey and his wife, Natasha Sebring, traveled out west with their dog, logging around 10,000 miles through 20 states. They visited a dozen national parks and camped in their vehicle’s rooftop tent.

Additionally, Kimsey would like to contribute to the Town of Franklin in ways that are “less likely to be political and more likely to be something in recreation or cultural development. I’m sure those opportunities will present themselves as they need to,” he said.

Sasha Widman is a junior and an honor student at Franklin High School.