Pay it Forward

Buy A Tree Change A Life in its eighth year at Prentiss

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For the past eight years, Prentiss church of God has partnered with People for Care and Learning ( to raise money for children locally and globally.

According to pastor J.D. Woodside, “Over the last eight years we have raised over $100,000 to help children in our community and around the world. Thanks to the generosity of people in Franklin and Macon County, we have been able to meet needs at South Macon Elementary, Bartram Academy (formerly Union Academy) KIDS Place and Shop With A Cop. Funds raised also purchase backpacks and school supplies as well as support projects, feeding programs and community centers in Cambodia, Guatemala, and around the globe.”

THE CREW from Prentiss Church is getting ready for Buy a Tree Change a Life (BAT-CAL), unloading Christmas trees and setting up the tree lot near Appalachian Ace Hardware.

This year’s local project will include the Crisis Pregnancy Care Center in Franklin as well as several other local projects helping children.

“By giving away 100% of the profits, we are grateful for the impact that our community is able to make by simply purchasing a Christmas Tree,” said Woodside. 

This year’s Christmas tree tent will be set up in the vacant lot next to Appalachian Ace Hardware on Palmer Street, beginning the day after Thanksgiving.

NOW IN its eighth year at Prentiss, BAT-CAL has raised more than $100,000 to help children globally – in Cambodia and Guatemala – and locally, right here in Franklin.

For more on the Buy A Tree ministry, visit their Facebook page at Buy a Tree or by clicking here.