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School board honors top educators 

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Every year, each Macon County School selects a teacher of the year and support person of the year. The 2023 honors were announced at the Oct. 16 Macon County Board of Education meeting.

“This is a very special time to recognize great educators, and while we may be recognizing one from each school, we are recognizing everyone at that school,” said Superintendent Josh Lynch, during the meeting. 

For each Macon County School, the Teacher of the Year is as follows: 

-Macon Middle School: Patti Elkin
-East Franklin Elementary School: Katie Quiring
-Highlands School: Brian Aulisio
-Mountain View Intermediate School: Katy Huscusson and Miranda Shepherd
-Cartoogechaye Elementary School: Cindy Trawick and Angie Phillips
-Iotla Valley Elementary School: Mina Jenkins
-Nantahala School: Natalie Grant
-South Macon Elementary School: Jessica Carpenter
-Franklin High School: Kim Pinkston
-Macon Early College: Gloria Painter

Selected as Support Person of the Year for 2023 for each school is:

-Bartram Academy (formerly Union Academy): Sunshine Windsor
-Macon Middle School: Nicole Dilbeck
-East Franklin Elementary School: Heather Wallace
-Highlands School: April Getz
-Mountain View Intermediate School: Ann Holland
-Cartoogechaye Elementary School: Teresa Stanley
-Iotla Valley Elementary School: Chuck Dishman
-Nantahala School: Amy Taylor
-South Macon Elementary School: Roger Jowers
-Franklin High School: Denise Jostes
-Macon Early College: Nancy Ritter

Teresa Stanley, Cartoogechaye Elementary School’s support person of the year.

Finally, the Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year is Macon Middle School’s Jared Greenwood; Early Childhood Teacher of the Year is Iotla Valley Elementary School’s Rebecca Cope; and, South Macon Elementary School’s Misty Quasney is the Early Childhood Support Person of the Year.

It was also announced that Franklin High School’s vice principal, Blair King, has been named the school’s new principal, to replace Mickey Noe. (Click here for that article.)

The next meeting of the Macon County Board of Education will be Monday, Nov. 27, at East Franklin Elementary School, beginning at 6 p.m.